Guide for Exploration of the Optimization Space

The Guide for Exploration of the Optimization Space is a LLVM tool designed for be used by heuristics in the search for good optimization sequences. This tool, which is also known as GEOS, provides a set of analysis that can mensure the execution time of a LLVM code. By invoking GEOS the heuristic can be guided without executing the code, what can be seriously faster.

Source code



GEOS can be easily compiled with CMake:

cd build 
cmake ..
sudo make install

How to use it

GEOS can be used as an API as the follow example.

  // Initialize all needed structures and passes from LLVM.

  LLVMContext &Context = getGlobalContext();
  SMDiagnostic Error;
  cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(argc, argv);
  Module *MyModule = 
    parseIRFile(LLVMFilename.c_str(), Error, Context).release();                 

  // Instanciate a ProfileModule without any profiling yet.
  ProfileModule *PModule = new ProfileModule(MyModule);                           

  // Read gcov profile and set automatically all options for analysis.
  CostEstimatorOptions &Opts = populatePModule(PModule);

  // Estimate time cost
  auto Cost = GEOS::analyseCost(PModule, Opts);

To generate the GCOV profiling you need to compile your code with the following flags.

clang -O0 -g -coverage test.c

If needed the documentation can be used to better understand.


GEOS is licensed under the MIT license.

Authors and Contributors

This project was developed at the State University of Maringá by Vanderson M. do Rosario (@vandersonmr).

Support or Contact

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